Welcome to the Special Education Department

We are delighted to welcome you as we embark on a journey dedicated to the growth and success of each student within our learning community. At AIMS, we believe in the inherent potential of every individual, and it is our mission to provide unwavering support to students in their pursuit of excellence!

At the heart of our educational philosophy lies a fundamental belief – all students can learn. We recognize the diverse talents, abilities, and unique qualities each student brings to our community. Embracing this diversity, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment where every student can thrive.

Understanding that each student has a distinct set of strengths and challenges, we prioritize individualized consideration. Our dedicated team, in collaboration with the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, works tirelessly to tailor educational experiences that cater to the specific needs of students identified as having a disability.

We strongly believe in the power of collaboration. Our learning community is a collective force, working together to create an environment where every student feels valued and supported. By fostering open communication and collaboration, we aim to provide a holistic and enriching educational experience that goes beyond conventional boundaries.

Our ultimate goal is to empower students to reach their full potential. Through a combination of personalized support, innovative teaching methods, and a commitment to inclusivity, we strive to equip each student with the tools they need to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.

Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of being part of your educational journey. Together, as a united community, we look forward to achieving great milestones and witnessing the remarkable growth of every student.

Here's to a year filled with learning, collaboration, and the celebration of each student's unique journey!

In partnership, 

Deborah Woods

Director of Special Education